The Dino Crisis Classic REbirth patch is out, enjoy!
First Dino Crisis is also getting some love
Where to start with this one? If you follow my twitter, you probably already noticed what’s been boiling since the end of november. More after the jump!
Dino Crisis 2 love?
I’m just quickly updating the site to announce that Dino Crisis 2 is being fixed. More info after the jump.
What’s coming next for Classic REbirth
As most of you following on Twitter already know, I’m updating the RE1 version of Classic REbirth with all those features that were supposed to kick in. Hit on that jump button to read the whole thing!
Classic REbirth opens on Patreon
WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? At this point Classic REbirth has become quite a huge project of mine and it takes large amounts of time to develop and maintain. With my recent switch to a new job my chances of working on this, or even branching into other classic games (i.e. Resident Evil 3, Dino Crisis … Read more Classic REbirth opens on Patreon
Xmas release for RE2 Classic REbirth
Hit that jump button to read this whole entry.
Resident Evil 1 PC, a fix to the classic version
If you’re looking for a fix to this ancient port, click on the jump button and get ready for fun times!
Intro coding and CD-rom usage
Let’s go back to the old style and use this article’s topic to wrap some useful code. Start developing after a leap of faith.
3D graphics and controller handling
The title of this should be extremely self explanatory, but still more info after the jump.
Working around 2D primitives
This article is about 2D primitives and provides some code to interact with then. More after the jump.